Special AI Workshop Invite: AI + Human = a new kind of AI
*** Sorry for the delayed email send today! For some reason the scheduling didn’t work, and by the time we noticed, it was well past 9am. My bad. But here’s today’s post anyway…
Welcome to AI Collision 💥,

Today’s AI Collision 💥 is a small departure from our regular programming.
Today I want to write to you about robot strippers I encountered almost a decade ago.
Ok, there’s a little more to it than that. But the undercurrent of my story is that consumer facing AI has been a long time coming. And that for a long time, my view on the potential of AI has always been around the augmentation of AI and humanity.
A bit like the Power Rangers, or Voltron, or Captain Planet – it’s when you combine forces that you become a superhero.
And that leads me to a special workshop event I’ve got coming up next Tuesday 28 November at 2pm that I’d like to issue a special invite to you for, as a reader of AI Collision 💥.
There’s more on it all below, including the robot strippers…

AI Collision 💥 no robot strippers required
In March 2014, I was in Hannover, Germany for a massive technology conference, CeBIT.
And there, right in front of my eyes…
Were robot pole dancers.

These were more gimmick than weird dystopian future. They also weren’t the only robots on display. But what was on show was a whole conference centre full of advanced technologies from robotics to machine learning and artificial intelligence.
At the time, I wrote that what I saw on display in those conference halls in Hannover was,
“a new kind of AI, it’s ‘Augmented Intelligence’.”
I went on to deduce our future was likely to be about,
“…computer intelligence working with humans, not replacing them. The spark that is consciousness isn’t a reality [in AI] yet. Might never be, but together with machines, we’re perhaps accelerating human intelligence… human evolution in a different way.”
And concluded that piece by saying,
“We should embrace this kind of technology and use it to our advantage. And who knows, it might actually lead to an even better outcome than I could possibly imagine.”
It’s that idea of embracing technology and using it to our advantage. The augmentation of AI and human ingenuity that is now finally coming together.
And that leads me to the special invitation I wanted to pass to you today…
Next Tuesday 28 November at 2pm, I’m going to showcase the culmination of a decade’s worth of research that is resulting in my very own augmentation with artificial intelligence.
I’m doing this in an event called the AI Advantage Workshop.
That’s right, the vision I had for our future a decade ago is today’s reality. And I believe it’s going to lead to an even better outcome than I could have possibly imagined.
Even better, this augmentation of humanity (me) with AI will also give you first-hand access to the power of what I’m about to release.
There’s a lot to absorb, and there’s no better way to explain more and to show how you can be a part of what we’re releasing than joining me, this Tuesday 28 November at 2pm for my AI Advantage Workshop.
If you wanna come and check it out, and understand what I’ve been working on behind the scenes, you just need to hit either button above or below.
It will take you to a secure site where you can register for the event. And that’s it, then you just tune in next Thursday and see what I’ve got to show you.
I hope to see you on the registration list 👍

From the hive mind 🧠
Altman sacked from OpenAI. Gets job at Microsoft. OpenAI loses their workforce. Altman is rehired. Literally the wildest week in not just AI but tech.
So, the US Department of Defense has an AI strategy. Kind of worrying, don’t you think?
I like the idea of a four-day working week. I think it will raise productivity. But I’m a little sad it might take AI to make it happen.
Nvidia absolutely blew the roof off with their latest quarterly earnings. Like, mega-ripped-the-market-expectations. Read for yourself just how much goddamn money they’re making off AI.

Artificial Pollteligence 🗳️

Weirdest AI image of the day
1960s country music video featuring a Dalek – r/Weirddalle

ChatGPT’s random quote of the day
“AI is the canvas on which our imagination and data paint the future.” – Unknown Tech Blogger

Thanks for reading, see you on Tuesday. And if you’re enjoying our work, please like, share and leave comments below,
Sam Volkering
AI Collision

how come you are working for palm beach research company usa, be honest gerald
Any non-AI Collision questions you can send to cs@southbankresearch.com and will happily answer through that channel 👍