LIVE in 1 hour @ 7pm – don't miss it!

I’m not sure if you saw my note in this morning’s email from AI Collision 💥 but I’m hosting a livestream AMA (ask me anything) at 7pm GMT – so in just one hour’s time.

In short I’m going to be going through some questions I got from my AI Alpha ‘24 broadcast that I sent last week to readers, and answering any questions you’ve got about AI and the AI investment market LIVE.

If you want to jump on and join in the discussion with some questions of your own (you’ll be able to add them in a chat box) then just head to the livestream via the button below.

You can go now to register, or just jump on a few minutes before the stream is live.

Join the AMA Livestream

Looking forward to some great questions, and also to just getting on a livestream again. It’ll be interesting, insightful and hopefully give you some ideas about how to treat this massive investment opportunity.

See you soon – just use that button above to join.



P.S. If you can’t make the livestream, don’t worry, there will be a replay available after and I’ll send it out in Thursday’s AI Collision 💥 so you can follow up with it all then.

[Capital at risk]

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Hey Sam, interesting info from the CEO of BitDigital (External Links are not allowed) from yesterday 9th March..

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