"Hey, what do you think of Tesla (TSLA)?"

Welcome to AI Collision šŸ’„,

In todayā€™s collision between AI and our world:

  • Huangā€™s 80s glam-rock moment

  • Is Telsa better suited as a robotics company?

  • Wherever the weiner takes you

If thatā€™s enough to get the sharpies signing, read onā€¦

AI gone wild šŸ¤Ŗ

For the keen eye, you might notice that our first segment today is not usually our first segment.

Thatā€™s because what I just experienced with AI is so ridiculous that I had to make it the first thing you saw today.

And it has everything to do with the lead image on todayā€™s Substackā€¦

You may have seen (or not) that this week the CEO of Nvidia, Jensen Huang, was at Computex, a very large tech conference held in Taipei.

And letā€™s be honest here, Huang is a rockstar to the tech world. The leather jacket, the stadium full of devotee engineers at its GTC conference in March, the world hanging off his every word at every earnings callā€¦

Heā€™s quite literally ā€œKing of the Nerdsā€.

FWIW, I identify as a nerd too šŸ˜

Anyway, the series of images getting around social media right now is of Huang at Computex, but not quite as youā€™d expect.

I think the best thing is to just send you a screenshot from X.com for you to see for yourself.

Source: @TechBroDrip on X.com

Yep, thatā€™s Huang (in his customary leather jacket) like an 80s glam rocker signing the chest of a female fan.

The really wild thing about this is that sheā€™s really AIā€¦

Nah, just kidding, sheā€™s real, heā€™s real and this really did happen.

Whatā€™s funny though and related to the image at the top of todayā€™s AI Collision, is that I wanted AI to make an image of this.

So I entered the prompt:

ā€œCreate an image of someone with the resemblance of Jensen Huang CEO of Nvidia, except make them look like an 80s glam rock star, who is off stage signing the chest of a female mega fan.ā€

And the MS-DOS-style image at the top was what ChatGPT spat out at me!

Thatā€™s the perfect example of when AI is utter garbage.

Nonetheless of my failed AI image creation, social media is blowing up calling all of this the ā€œtopā€ of the market.

Often in hyped-up bull markets, hindsight tells us there are numerous ā€œtop signalsā€ that signify the market is peaking and primed for a massive crash.

The CEO of the biggest technology hardware company signing the chest of a female fan at a technology conferenceā€¦ yeah, I can see how that might be construed as a ā€œtop signalā€.

Added to the mix is the ongoing market saga between meme-lord ā€œRoaring Kittyā€, GameStop and US market regulators.

Thatā€™s a long and complex story. Too much for here, and too non-AI-market related (and I gave you enough non-AI stuff on Tuesday).

What I would suggest though is to watch the movie Dumb Money ā€“ itā€™s about the first chapter of this GameStop thing. Aside from being a great movie, it explains it all. And for whatā€™s happening now, just wait for the sequel, Iā€™m sure it will be just as grand!

Anyway, itā€™s suggested that the GME saga is another ā€œtop signalā€ for the whole market.

Frankly, yes itā€™s wild that Huang is signing things like the first delivery of Nvidiaā€™s AI superchips to OpenAI and things like the chests of fans.

But a top signal?

No. Not on your life.

If anything itā€™s an indication that maybe the new tech ā€œKingā€ of the 2020s is Huang. Itā€™s very rockstar of him at the very least.

AI Collision šŸ’„

Supply cannot meet demand.

This is something Iā€™m seeing time and time again in the market right now.

Initially youā€™d think itā€™s in relation to semiconductors, more specifically the AI ā€œchipsā€ that Nvidia is busting out into the market.

And yes, it is ā€“ more on that in a moment.

But itā€™s also in relation to the uranium market.

About a month ago I wrote to you about an interview I did with John Ciampaglia, CEO of Sprott Asset Management, back in March 2023.

You can see that all here.

In that I said:

I recently got in touch with John again because I wanted to do another interview with him on the uranium and nuclear markets as well as the copper market.

Thatā€™s because Sprott has exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that cover a range of miners in both the uranium and copper markets. So it only made sense that as Iā€™ve been closely covering both of those areas here at AI Collision I get him on a call again to speak about it.

Weā€™re currently arranging the time and date. But that will be here exclusively at AI Collision in the coming weeks so be sure to keep an eye out for that.

Well the good news is that the interview has been done. It is ā€œin the canā€ so to speak. And Iā€™m expecting that will get out to you probably not next week, but likely the week after.

Itā€™s a must watch because as John expertly outlines, the uranium market is in a long-term bull market, where there is simply no turning back.

Make sure to keep an eye out when that Substack piece hits your inbox!

But back to the other supply cannot keep up with demand thatā€™s rocking the market at the momentā€¦ Nvidiaā€™s AI chips.

You see I had someone ask me the other day,

ā€œWhat do you think of Tesla (TSLA) as a buy?ā€

Of course, I canā€™t give personal advice. But I did say,

ā€œHard to say. You wonder are they better off as just a car company, or better off as cars/AI/robotics company.

As a car company $500bn is stupid.

There are Teslas sitting on docks globally that can’t be sold, and in China theyā€™re f*****.

But as an AI and robotics company too, maybe $500bn isnā€™t so crazy.

You’re buying him, not the company reallyā€¦ā€

Thatā€™s my honest view, itā€™s hard to say with Tesla. If Elon gets his way (which it seems he will) then thereā€™s a good chance that Tesla, X.com, xAI, SpaceXā€¦ ALL OF IT merges and meshes together.

Like Avengers Assemble, but just with Elonā€™s companies.

The Avengers ensemble with satirical anthropomorphic representations of SpaceX, Tesla, xAI and X.com companies

Thatā€™s not a completely ā€œout thereā€ idea by the way. According to a report on CNBC,

ā€¦ emails written by Nvidia senior staff and widely shared inside the company suggest that Musk presented an exaggerated picture of Teslaā€™s procurement to shareholders. Correspondence from Nvidia staffers also indicates that Musk diverted a sizable shipment of AI processors that had been reserved for Tesla to his social media company X, formerly known as Twitter.

Therā€™s a good chance most of that is actually going into Grok, which is the AI associated with xAI, which is tightly associated with X.com.

What it also suggests is that maybe Tesla isnā€™t looking so flash as a standalone car company. And that maybe the success of Tesla completely lies with Musk making it into more than a car company ā€“ a full-blown hardware companies of cars, autonomous systems, AI and robotics.

Then maybe a $500 billion market cap, as I say, isnā€™t so wild.

Boomers & Busters šŸ’°

AI and AI-related stocks moving and shaking up the markets this week. (All performance data below over the rolling week).

man in black suit jacket and black pants figurine

Boom šŸ“ˆ

  • Predictive Oncology (NASDAQ:POAI) up 27%

  • Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) up 19%

  • AMD (NASDAQ:AMD) up 5%

Bust šŸ“‰

  • C3.ai (NYSE:AI) down 8%

  • Datametrex (TSXV:DM) down 25%

  • Quantgate Systems (OTCPK:QGSI) down 24%

From the hive mind šŸ§ 

  • I donā€™t really know what to make of this. The best-looking AI image goes toā€¦? The worldliest miss world thatā€™s not real goes toā€¦? I donā€™t know. Are we getting dumber because of all this stuff (maybe thatā€™s an idea for next weekā€™s poll)?

  • Already weā€™ve got an AI whistleblower. Which is interesting, because I wonder if in the future, there will be an AI whistleblower thatā€™s AI?

  • Is there no stopping this juggernaut! Now theyā€™re introducing Project G-Assist. Sounds ominous, and kind of cool. Iā€™ll dive into this more and see if thereā€™s something juicer to report next week.

Artificial Polltelligence šŸ—³ļø The Results

Last week we set a poll about just how frequently you use AI (or donā€™t).

It came off the back of a widespread survey which showed the actual use of generative AI was quite low considering the hype and domination of market news that AI was getting.

Maybe itā€™s a case that using AI as such is akin to using Google search. By that I mean we all use Google search, but we donā€™t think about it. We donā€™t actively say, Iā€™m going to use Google search. You just type what you want in the address bar at the top of your browser and Google does the rest.

And maybe AI becomes that ā€“ you just do and in the background itā€™s all AI. Youā€™re using AI but also not actively thinking about using AI.

Anyway, whatever that shapes up to be, I was curious as to whether you actively use AI or not.

Hence the pollā€¦

And here are the resultsā€¦

drumroll by a businessman

Whatā€™s interesting here is this is reasonably close to reflecting the survey we highlighted last Thursday.

Weā€™ll have a new poll next week for youā€¦

Weirdest AI image of the day

Where will your weenie take you? ā€“ r/Weirddallee

r/weirddalle - Where will your weenie take you? (Bing + SD1.5 + PS + GPT)

ChatGPTā€™s random quote of the day

“True innovation doesn’t just involve new technology, but new ways of thinking.” – Lior Div, CEO and Co-founder of Cybereason.

Thanks for reading, and donā€™t forget to leave comments and questions below,

Sam Volkering

AI Collision
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I’m surprised the EU haven’t banned AI beauty pageants yet…

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